Hakluyt Society Annual Lectures

Hakluyt Society Annual Lectures

Annual Lectures presented at the Society’s Annual General Meeting held in June each year

On this page we will be publishing videos of the Annual Lecture presented at the Society’s AGM annually in June.


Hakluyt Society Annual Lecture 12 June 2024.

Dr Guido van Meersbergen and Dr Natalya Din-Kariuki of the University of Warwick

The title of their lecture is: ‘Decolonising Travel Studies: Notes for the Hakluyt Society’

Members (and non-members) are encouraged to comment on this lecture
using the anonymous questionnaire accessible here.


Hakluyt Society Annual Lecture 21 June 2023.

Dr Anthony Payne (Honorary Research Fellow University of East Anglia)

The title of his lecture is: ‘What do we know about Richard Hakluyt?’


Hakluyt Society Annual Lecture 15 June 2022.

Professor Ladan Niayesh of the Université de Paris.

The title of her lecture is: ‘Echoing Cities in Muscovy
Merchants’ Itineraries in Persia and Central Asia, 1558-1570s’.


Hakluyt Society Annual Lecture 16 June 2021.

Janet M. Hartley is Emeritus Professor of International History, London School of Economics.

The title of her lecture is: ‘The Volga: the River as Frontier’.


Hakluyt Society Annual Lecture 17 June 2020.

Peter Barber is the former Head of Cartographic and Topographic Materials at the British Library.

The title of his lecture is: ‘From Geneva to the Rigi: British images of Switzerland in texts, guidebooks and maps, 1650-1904’.