Bibliography of the Hakluyt Society Extra Series Posted By: Richard Hakluyt Complete Bibliography, Hakluyt Society Publications Bibliography of the Hakluyt Society Extra Series Compiled and annotated by R. J. Howgego Extra Series, Occasional Booklets, Annual Lectures & Talks in Annual Reports Extra Series Extra [1-12] The Principal / Navigations Voyages / Traffiques & Discoveries / of the English Nation / Made by Sea or Over-land to the Remote and Farthest Distant Quarters of the Earth at any Time within the Compasse of these 1600 Yeeres / By Richard Hakluyt / Preacher, and sometime Student of Christ-Church in Oxford / 12 vols, I-III, 1903; IV-XI, 1904; XII, 1905. Reprint of the 1598-1600 edition, slightly modified in spelling, with contemporary maps, plans and charts in facsimile and, in vol. XII, an essay by Walter Raleigh on the life and work of Hakluyt and a new index by Marie Michon and Elizabeth Carmont. Published by MacLehose, Glasgow, and without mention of the Hakluyt Society. A limited number of sets were taken over by the Society and bound in HS binding. Extra [13] The Texts and Versions of John de Plano Carpini and William de Rubruquis / as printed for the first time by Hakluyt in 1598 / together with some shorter pieces. Edited by C. Raymond Beazley, M.A., F.R.G.S. / Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. 1903. Pages xx, 345. A reprint of the texts and versions, Latin and English, and of shorter pieces, especially the voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan, which open Principal Navigations, with critical and explanatory commentary. The title-page does not mention the Extra Series. Extra [14-33] Hakluytus Posthumus / or / Purchas His Pilgrimes / Contayning a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Lande Travells by Englishmen and others / By Samuel Purchas, B.D. 20 vols, I-X, 1905; XI-XIX, 1906; XX, 1907. Reprint of the 1625 edition, slightly modified in spelling, with the addition of a new index by Marie Michon. Published by MacLehose, Glasgow, without mention of the Hakluyt Society. A limited number of sets were taken over by the Society and bound in HS binding. Extra 34a. The Journals of Captain James Cook on his Voyages of Discovery / The Voyage of the Endeavour 1768-1771 / Edited by J. C. Beaglehole / 1955. Reprinted, with addenda and corrigenda, 1968. Pages cclxxxiv, 684/696 + 20 maps, 25 illustrations. Admiralty instructions and the journal of the First Voyage, with many appendices. Extra 34b. The Journals of Captain James Cook … / Charts & Views / Drawn by Cook and his Officers and Reproduced from the Original Manuscripts / edited by R. A. Skelton / 1955, second edition 1969. Pages viii + 58 loose maps, charts, plans, profiles, views and other illustrations. A separate and unnumbered portfolio containing reproductions of charts and views drawn on the three voyages, with a list. Extra 35. The Journals of Captain James Cook … / The Voyage of the Resolution and Adventure 1772-1775 / … / 1961. Reprinted, with addenda and corrigenda, 1969. Pages clxx, 1021/1028 + 19 maps, 63 illustrations. Half-title gives II as number within the set. Admiralty instructions and the journal of the Second Voyage, with many appendices. Extra 36a. The Journals of Captain James Cook … / The Voyage of the Resolution and Discovery 1776-1780 / … / Part One / 1967. Pages ccxxiv, 718 + 17 maps, 64 illustrations. Half-title gives III as number within set. Admiralty instructions and the journal of the Third Voyage, with supplementary extracts from journals or logs by James King, Charles Clerke, James Burney, Richard Gilbert, Thomas Edgar. The main pagination of this and the following volume is continuous. For a separate addendum, see Occasional Booklet 8 below. Extra 36b. The Journals of Captain James Cook … 1776-1780 / Part Two / 1967. Pages viii, 723-1647 + 2 maps, 10 illustrations. Half-title gives III as number within set. Appendices containing the journals of William Anderson and David Samwell; extracts from other journals; rolls of the ships’ companies, and a calendar of documents, 1774-1791. A separate pamphlet, Cook and the Russians, consisting of six documents translated from Russian sources, edited by J. C. Beaglehole, was published in 1973 as an addendum to this volume. Extra 37. The Life of Captain James Cook / by J. C. Beaglehole / 1974. Pages xi, 760 + 11 maps, 38 illustrations. First separately published by A. and C. Black, 1974, then for the Hakluyt Society. Extra 38. The Journal of Christopher Columbus / Translated by Cecil Jane / revised and annotated by L. A. Vigneras / with an Appendix by R. A. Skelton / Ninety illustrations from prints and maps of the period / 1960. Pages xii, 227 + 16 maps, 74 illustrations. A revision of Second Series 65 above. From the transcription by Cesare de Lollis and Julian Paz for the Raccolta Colombiana (1892). Includes Columbus’s letter, February-March 1493, describing the results of his first voyage. The appendix is concerned with the cartography of the first voyage. Published by a commercial publisher, Anthony Blond & The Orion Press, and not in the standard Hakluyt Society binding. The Society took over a number of sets with a separate title page. Extra 39a. The Principall Navigations / Voiages and Discoveries / of the English Nation / by Richard Hakluyt / Imprinted at London, 1589 / * [i.e. vol I] / A Photo-lithographic Facsimile with an Introduction by David Beers Quinn and Raleigh Ashlin Skelton and with a new Index by Alison Quinn / 1965. Pages lx, 501. Hakluyt’s preliminaries, map, first and second parts, and the editors’ introduction. Pagination of this and the following volume is continuous. Extra 39b. The Principall Navigations … / ** [i.e. vol. II] / … / 1965. Pages 506-975. The ‘Third and Last Part’, including the unnumbered Drake leaves, the ‘table alphabeticall’, and the new index. Extra 40. The Diary of A. J. Mounteney Jephson / Emin Pasha Relief Expedition 1887-1889. Edited by Dorothy Middleton / With Preface, Prologue and Epilogue compiled by the Editor in Collaboration with Maurice Denham Jephson / 1969. Pages xii, 456 + 2 maps, 16 illustrations. Two-thirds of the complete diary, the omissions supplied by editorial narrative. Extra 41. The Journals and Letters of Sir Alexander Mackenzie / Edited by W. Kaye Lamb / 1970. Pages viii, 552 + 6 maps, 3 illustrations. Mackenzie’s ‘general history’ of the fur trade ‘from Canada to the North-West’ and his journal of his expedition from Fort Chipewyan to the Pacific in 1793, reprinted from the 1801 edition, together with his unpublished journal of his expedition from Fort Chipewyan to the Arctic in 1789 and all his known letters or fragments of letters. Extra 42. Ma Huan / Ying-Yai Sheng-Lang / ‘The Overall Survey of the Ocean’s Shores’ / [1433] / Translated from the Chinese Text Edited by Feng Ch’eng-Chün / with Introduction, Notes and Appendices by J. V. G. Mills, formerly Puisne Judge / Straits Settlement / 1970. Pages xix, 393 + 5 maps, 6 illustrations. The fullest account of China’s overseas expansion in the early fifteenth century. Appendices discuss various matters such as southern Asian place-names known to the Chinese in 1433, the Mao K’un map, four Chinese stellar diagrams, and the earliest European rutter of the voyage from Malacca to China. Extra 43. The Charts & Coastal Views of Captain Cook’s Voyages / Volume One / The Voyage of the Endeavour / 1768-1771 / With a Descriptive Catalogue of all the known original surveys and coastal views and the original engravings associated with them / Together with original drawings of the Endeavour and her boats / Chief Editor / Andrew David / Assistant Editors for the Views / Rüdiger Joppien and Bernard Smith / 1988. Pages lxiv, 328 + colour frontispiece, 480 half-tone plates. Published in association with the Australian Academy of the Humanities. Extra 44. The Charts & Coastal Views of Captain Cook’s Voyages / Volume Two / The Voyage of the Resolution and Adventure / 1772-1775 / … / 1992. Pages c, 332 + colour frontispiece, 23 colour plates, 320 half-tone plates. Extra 45. A Particuler Discourse Concerning the Greate Necessitie and Manifolde Commodyties that are like to Growe to this Realm of Englande by the Westerne Discoueries lately Attempted, Written in the Yere 1584. By Richarde Hackluyt of Oxforde / Known as / Discourse of Western Planting / Edited by David B. Quinn and Alison M. Quinn / 1993. Pages xxxi, 229 + 69 half tone plates, 6 other illustrations. Includes a facsimile of the manuscript and a line for line transcription, with a commentary, bibliography, and index, preceded by a general introduction. Extra 46. The Charts and Coastal Views of Captain Cook’s Voyages / Volume Three / The Voyage of the Resolution and Discovery / 1776-1780 / … / together with the running journal of James King 1779-80 / 1997. Pages cxxxvi + 319. Colour frontispiece, 22 colour plates, 298 half-tone plates. Extra 47. Richard Hakluyt and Travel Writing in Early Modern Europe. Edited by Daniel Carey and Claire Jowitt / 2012. Pages 398 + 25 mono plates, 4 colour plates. An interdisciplinary collection of twenty-four essays which brings together leading international scholarship on Hakluyt and his work. The essays advance the study of Hakluyt’s literary and historical resources, his international connections, and his rhetorical and editorial practice. Occasional Booklets The designation ‘OB 1’, etc., is entirely arbitrary as none of the publications actually carried this imprint. All except OB 9 were distributed free of charge to members. OB 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 were, in addition, available for sale to non-members. OB 1. Richard Hakluyt: his Life and Work. With a short account of the aims and achievements of the Hakluyt Society. An address delivered by Sir Clements Markham, K.C.B., F.R.S. (President), on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of the society, Bedford Press, London, 1896. 19 pages. OB 2. Address by Sir Clements R. Markham on the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of the Society, December 15th, 1896. Revised on the occasion of the sixty-fifth anniversary, 1911, London, Bedford Press, 1911. 15 pages. OB 3. A reproduction of the tablet erected in Bristol Cathedral to the memory of Richard Hakluyt, 1911. 4 pages: Title page + two pages of text + photograph of the tablet. OB 4. An address on the occasion of the tercentenary of the death of Richard Hakluyt 23 November, 1916, with a note on the Hakluyt family / by Albert Gray, C.B., K.C., President of the Hakluyt Society, Chiswick Press, London, 1917. 19 pages. OB 5. Guide for Editors of the Hakluyt Society’s Publications, 1929; revised 1958; 2nd edition [with a Preface by E. S. de Beer], 1975, 34 pages. The Guide for Editors, constantly updated, was subsequently made available on typed or photocopied or printed sheets on application to the Society. The most recent revision may be downloaded from this website (see Information for Authors). OB 6. The Hakluyt Society: A Retrospect 1846-1946 / by William Foster, London, 1946. A reprint of the essay printed in Series 2, no. 93. 30 pages, including 4 leaves of plates. OB 7. Prospectus of the Hakluyt Society with List of Publications and Maps, Cambridge, 1956 [also contains indexes and Laws of the Society, as revised 1950. This is the last and most complete of a series of ‘Prospectus’ issued since 1846, many of them untraceable.] 55 pages. OB 8. Cook and the Russians: an addendum to the Hakluyt Society’s edition of the voyage of the Resolution and Discovery, 1776-1780 / edited by J. C. Beaglehole, London, 1973. 9 pages. OB 9. Hakluyt & Oxford. Essays and Exhibitions Marking the Quatercentenary of the Death of Richard Hakluyt in 1616 / edited by Anthony Payne, London, 2017. 102 pages, 8 illus. in colour, bibliography. (Designated ‘OB 9’ by the president, Jim Bennett, but not imprinted as such). Annual Reports, Prospectuses and Membership Lists The Annual Report, which includes statements of accounts and the Council’s report, has been issued to all subscribers since the year 1848. In the early days it was almost invariably included in at least one of the Society’s volumes for each year, but since 1894 the Report has been printed as a separately paginated brochure. The sole exception is the Report for 1903 which, for reasons uncertain, was bound into Series II, no. 15 in its original blue covers. Prospectuses, which included invitations for membership, books in print and forthcoming publications, and something of the Society’s history and objectives, were issued almost annually for more than a century. The first prospectus, which marked the Society’s foundation, appeared in 1846 (pp. 3, 4vo), followed by a second, which included a membership list, in 1849 (8vo). Many of the later prospectuses cannot be traced. Lists of Officers and Council members appear in every publication of the Society. Complete membership lists, with names and addresses, were often included in the early Annual Reports and Prospectuses, sometimes bound into the Society’s main publications. The first separately printed membership list in booklet form was issued in 1974, followed by updated lists in 1990 (64 pages) and 1996 (96 pages). No list has been printed since 1996. Annual Lectures and Talks From 1972, talks given at the Annual General Meeting were published in the Annual Report in extenso, sometimes in a revised version and with annotation. The brochures carry no publication date but appeared in the year after the date of the Annual Report. The year of the Annual Report and the pagination of the talk are given below. From 1996 the Annual Lecture was published separately and distributed free to members. These are given their publication date in the list below, which is the year following that of the lecture. Talks Published within the Annual Report D. B. Quinn, ‘Richard Hakluyt and his followers’, 1972, pages 1-11 E. S. de Beer, ‘The literature of travel in the seventeenth century’, 1975, pages 1-6 T. E. Armstrong, ‘Editing the Siberian Chronicles’, 1976, pages 1-6 R. C. Bridges, ‘The documentation of David Livingstone: some new materials’, 1977, pages 1-8 C. R. Boxer, ‘Some second thoughts on “The Tragic History of the Sea, 1550-1650″‘, 1978, pages 1-9 + 4 maps C. F. Beckingham, ‘Arabic texts and the Hakluyt Society’, 1979, pages 1-13 + 1 illustration Dorothy Middleton, ‘Travel literature in the Victorian and Edwardian eras’, 1980, pages 1-10 G. V. Scammell, ‘The great age of discovery, 1400-1650’, 1981, pages 1-9 P. J. Marshall, ‘Thomas Hyde: Stupor Mundi’, 1982, pages 1-11 H. C. Porter, ‘The Tudors and the North American Indians’, 1983, pages 1-13 K. R. Andrews, ‘The coastal profiles relating too Drake’s last voyage’, 1984, pages 10-11 Dorothy Middleton, ‘The Hakluyt Society 1846-1923’, 1984, pages 12-23 (Not an AGM talk but an account researched at the request of the Council). J. S. Cummins, ‘Las Casas goes East’, 1985, pages 10-22 Ann Savours, ‘Discovering the Discovery’, 1986, pages 13-25 Andrew David, ‘The charts and coastal views of Captain Cook’s voyages’, 1987, pages 11-20 Glyndwr Williams, ‘From Dampier to Cook: English perceptions of Australia’, 1988, pages 12-25 + 4 maps Derek Howse, ‘A buccaneer’s atlas: Basil Ringrose’s atlas of the Pacific coast of the Americas’, 1989, pages 10-22 + 7 maps G. S. P. Freeman-Grenville, ‘Travellers to Christ’s tomb’, 1990, pages 14-28 + 6 plates of illustrations P. E. H. Hair, ‘”An accomplish’d traveller will take draughts”: Barbot’s illustrations of Guinea’, 1991, pages 12-20 + 4 illustrations Anthony Farrington, ‘The English in Japan 1613-1623’, 1992, pages 10-18 + 4 illustrations Roy Bridges, ‘James Augustus Grant’s visual record of East Africa’, 1993, pages 12-24 + 7 illustrations Peter Jackson, ‘Early missions to the Mongol empire: Carpini and contemporaries’, 1994, pages 14-32 + 2 maps, 4 illustrations Wendy James, Re-discovering Schuver’s Africa, 1995, pages 1-18, 1 map, 9 illustrations. Annual Lectures separately published with year of publication, i.e. the year following that of the lecture. The Annual Lecture for 2004 (Professor John Hattendorf, ‘Sailing on a Sea of Ink: Printing, Books and Reading in the Maritime World 1450-1840’) was never published; nor were the lectures for 2009 (delivered ex tempore) and 2015. Anthony Payne, Richard Hakluyt and His Books, 1997. 76 pages. ISBN 0904180565. Includes ‘An Interim Census of Surviving Copies of Hakluyt’s Divers Voyages & Principal Navigations’ by Anthony Payne & P. A. Neville-Sington. James McDermott, The Navigation of the Frobisher Voyages, 1998. 24 pages. ISBN 0 904180 57 3. Felipe Fernández-Armesto, Philip II’s Empire: A Decade at the Edge, 1999. 20 pages. ISBN 0 904180 65 4. Andrew David, The Voyage of Alejandro Malaspina to the Pacific, 1789-1794, 2000. 24 pages, 22 illustrations. ISBN 0 90418066 2. Sarah Tyacke, Before Empire: The English Cartographic View of the World in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, 2001. 24 pages, 11 illustrations. ISBN 0 904180 74 3. Michael Brennan, English Civil War Travellers and the Origins of the Western European Grand Tour, 2002. 32 pages, 15 illustrations. ISBN 0 904180 75 1. Ann Savours, The North West Passage in the Nineteenth Century: Perils and Pastimes of a Winter in the Ice, 2003. 32 pages, 26 illustrations. ISBN 0 904180 77 8. Anna Agnarsdóttir, ‘This Wonderful Volcano of Water’: Sir Joseph Banks Explorer and Protector of Iceland 1772–1820, 2004. 31 pages, 9 illustrations. ISBN 0 904180 83 2. C. Ian Jackson, Fort Yukon: The Hudson’s Bay Company in Russian America, 2006. 24 pages, 9 illustrations. ISBN 1584 090 4180 891. Joyce Lorimer, Untruth and Consequences: Raleigh’s Discoverie of Guiana and the ‘Salting’ of the Gold Mine, 2007. 22 pages, 3 maps, 1 illustration. ISBN 0-904180-93-X / 978-0-904180-93-0. Anne Salmond, Voyaging Worlds, 2008. 19 pages. ISBN 978-0-904180-94-7. Daniel Carey, Continental Travel and Journeys beyond Europe in the Early Modern Period: An Overlooked Connection, 2009. 23 pages, 6 illustrations. ISBN 978-0-904180-96-1. Raymond Howgego, Invented and Apocryphal Narratives of Travel: from Ancient Egypt to the Present Day, 2011. 20 pages, 7 illustrations. ISBN 978-0-904180-98-5 Manuel João Ramos, Pedro Páez’s History of Ethiopia: On Exploration, Refutation and Censorship, 2012. 15 pages, bibliography. ISBN 978-1-908145-04-8. Daniel Carey, Richard Hakluyt as Editor, 2013. 28 pages, 6 illustrations. ISBN 978-1-908145-05-5. Suzanne Schwarz, ‘A Just and Honorable Commerce’: Abolitionist Experimentation in Sierra Leone in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries, 2014. 40 pages, 6 figures, 8 plates in colour. ISBN 978-1-908145-12-3. Charles W. J. Withers, Geographies of the Prime Meridian, 2015, 22 pages, 1 figure, 3 plates in colour. ISBN 978-1-908145-13-0. Mary C. Fuller, Experiments in Reading Richard Hakluyt’s Principal Navigations, 2017, 22 pages, 1 figure, bibliography. ISBN 978-1-908145-17-8 Nandini Das, Sir Thomas Roe: Eyewitness to a Changing World, 2018, 20 pages, 4 colour plates, 1 map, bibliography. ISBN 978-1-908145-21-5 Cheryl Fury, The Impact of Physical, Spiritual and Mental Health on Shipboard Order in the Early English East India Company Voyages, 1601–1611, 2019, 24 pages, ISBN 978-1-908145-22-2 (Original lecture title: ‘Disease and Discontent: the Impact of Seamen’s Health on Shipboard Order in the Early East India Company’). Carla Rahn Phillips, The Struggle for the South Atlantic: Sources and Serendipity, 2020, 14 pages, 1 map repro., ISBN 978-1- 908145-23-9 Peter Barber: From Geneva to the Rigi: British images of Switzerland in texts, guidebooks and maps, 1650-1904, 2020, 96 pages, illustr., ISBN 978-1-908145-24-6. Video of the 2020 Hakluyt Society Annual Lecture. Janet Hartley: The Volga: the River as Frontier, 2021, ISBN 978-1- 908145-25-3. Video of the 2021 Hakluyt Society Annual Lecture. Ladan Niayesh: Echoing Cities in Muscovy Merchants, 2022, Itineraries in Persia and Central Asia, 1558-1570s’. Video of the 2022 Hakluyt Society Annual Lecture.